Theme: Expand horizons, change attitudes
Organizers and facilitators: - Women in Technology Uganda in partnership with Afchix Africa
Audience: - The girls of Kyambogo College School
Afchix Members who participated:
- Lilian Kamara
- Joan Nayiga
- Lillian Achom
WITU members who participated:
- Lynn
- Brian
Major Activities:
- Presentations by the women groups: Afchix and WITU
- Teaching the basics of website design-introducing HTML; Hands-on practicals
members’ duties and responsibilities:
-Lilian Kamara- Took photos
-Joan Nayiga- Wrote report
-Lillian Achom- Made the presentation
-All- Assisted in teaching website design
basics to the students
Presentation made by Lillian:
Lillian briefly talked about the background and history of Afchix and the purpose of its existence.
She then talked more about the many opportunities that IT provides and encouraged the girls to look at the positive side of IT. She stressed about the importance of joining such groups as Afchix or WITU as it has many inspiring ladies who are ready to provide mentoring and career guidance to them. One of the girls was asked to read out Irene Naitore's testimony, as a way to encourage the girls.
Questions from the students:
1. "Can someone enroll or apply for a computer related course when they did an Arts course at A-level?"
2. "What is the importance of designing a website? How does it benefit me?"
Women in technology Uganda (WITU) presentation:
After a very brief presentation by Lynn about WITU, together with WITU representatives, the two groups then started off with a practical session where the girls were taught how to design websites using HTML. In this session, the students were able to design a simple webpage and learned how to: insert words in a webpage, change font sizes, insert back ground color, save and open web pages. Generally, the event was more engaging and the girls were excited about their own work. Group photos were taken and refreshments were provided for the girls after the teaching session and the event was officially closed by 3pm
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